Kodi's Club Rescue

Our Mission
Kodi’s Club Rescue firmly believes that we can make a difference to those rescues we take into our care and we strive daily to do whatever is in our power and abilities to accomplish that goal. We are a small organization comprised of a passionate and dedicated group of friends that responsibly rescues and finds homes for homeless, sick or abandoned dogs. Our mission is to urge the public to support the rescue effort rather than retailers, puppy mills or breeders.
Kodi’s Club rescues local Rottweilers as well as some from southern states.
Our rescue effort starts with the administration of veterinary care and progresses through foster care, private boarding, or commercial/training boarding, small adoption events, home screening and ultimately permanent placement. We provide post-adoption follow-up and support when requested and possible. It is our goal to never have one of this organization’s rescues return to the shelter system or in a home that does not provide a responsible, nurturing environment for the lifetime of the pet.
Kodi’s Club volunteers ensure that all dogs receive proper medical care, (including neutering/spaying, worming, microchipping, heartworm/lyme testing and vaccinations) and their members either provide temporary foster homes or paid boarding options until a permanent, responsible home can be found. From puppies to seniors, including those who need a little extra TLC for broken legs, skin conditions, pneumonia, or various other conditions, dogs are nurtured back to health, safe from the unfair hardships that life has dealt them. As many of the dogs come from high kill municipal shelters, Kodi’s Club is truly their last chance for the life.
Prior to adoption, our dogs are evaluated for health and temperament. In instances of severe or dangerous behaviors, there may be some cases in which humane euthanasia is necessary. This option is rare, and not taken lightly as our purpose is to save lives. All dogs are spayed or neutered prior to placement unless it is not safe due to a medical condition. This is also rare, and surgery is administered and paid for by the rescue at the point that the animal is healthy. Our dogs are microchipped prior to adoption. Prospective homes are carefully evaluated for our dogs to capitalize on their ability to successfully adapt into a new home.
Our foster homes socialize the dogs as well as work with them on basic obedience. Kodi’s Club requires a written agreement at the point of adoption which states that if the adopter is unable to keep their rescued dog, for any reason, the dog must be returned to us. Our dogs may not be relinquished to any person for the purpose of medical research, guard dogs, or resale and are solely for indoor, companion animals.
We would like to sincerely thank those individuals and families who have adopted our rescued animals. Your donations allow us to help more animals. We cannot do it alone. Every single donation is greatly appreciated and most definitely matters to the life of a dog that more than deserves your generosity and support. Donations are our sole income and as such are non-refundable.
Kodi's Club permits no harassment or discrimination in the functioning of the rescue process.